The only answer to all these that the relation cannot go any further. The immediate swereing of the relation is warranted and all sort of dowry, perjury, breach of trust, cheating, 498a, cases should be filed under various laws and the Sitri Dhan may be claimed with all other consequences. You need to see a consular and a legal expert before it is too late. I am not a legal expert, bur the common sense says that it is the case. You have all the proofs. Now it depends upon you as to see that you want to retain the relatin in a hope that some day he will change or want to give a new lease of life to your daughter.
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
V. Imp. :Pl. send your bill for approval before replying :If U are unable to then pl. pl. forward me address of those who can reply on above issues or pl. forward this mail to them.1. If before marriage groom does not disclose the existing relationship then is that OK?
2. If parents of boy knew about the very intimate relationship of their son with another girl
Still if they hide the fact and get married their son to another girl is it OK?
3. If after marriage the husband keeps on texting SMS to the old girl friends, insults the wife, tries to see to see the old girl friend then is that OK?
4. Can he continue to keep his flat and cupboard full with photos, album, love letters, gifts of his premarital affairs?
5. If out of frustration of his old relationship hounding him he beats his wife then what law says about it?
6. When parents of bride/ girl intervene then they are abused and are told that because of your intervention their marriage is being spoilt. Does law say anything about blaming parents of girl who have been cheated, beaten up, banning her from contacting parents telling her to not to visit her parents?
7. Can girl files an FIR of cheating and misrepresentation, hiding illicit relations which continue post marriage against husband? Against parents in laws? Against common relative who proposed this relation inspite of they knowing his existing deep affair?
8. What is police supposed to do if girl files an FIR of cheating and misrepresentation, hiding illicit relations which continue post marriage?
9. Which court this matter will go to a family court or criminal court?
10. What are the other remedies to a affected girl?
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.)
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
Marigold Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,Next to Regency Hotel,
10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
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Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.)
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
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Tholiya Bhavan,Next to Regency Hotel,
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