Sunil Ahya ✆
5:02 PM (15 hours ago)
to me
Dear Alokji,
I would like to share the following quote with you:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” - Calvin Coolidge.
So, please continue to do the good work.
Best of luck,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
You are torch bearer
From: "K.S Jain"
<> Date: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:59 am Subject: Re: [jainmatrimonials] Silent Message for Aug.15, 2012 |
kanwar_jain |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Re: Fwd: Re: 7,000 crore rupee mobile phone for below poverty line people

- S.R.Meena
- To,,
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated: 14th August, 2012
Sub: Public grievances
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a public grievance received through e-mail from Sh. Alok Tholia.
2. It is requested that appropriate action may please be taken in the matter and suitable reply be sent to the petitioner, under intimation to this Ministry.
(S. R. Meena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele No.23092951
Encls. As above
Sh. Khurshid Ahmed
Joint Secretary (Policy, PG and Ad)
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Room No. 657, ‘A’ Wing,
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
Copy for information to Sh. Alok Tholia. As the subject matter of the his petition pertains to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, no further action on the part of Ministry of Home Affairs is called for in the matter. Hence, in so far as this Ministry is concerned, the aforesaid grievance petition stands disposed of and the petitioner is requested to take up the matter directly with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in future.
(S. R. Meena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
----- Original Message -----
From: "JS (C&PG)" <>
Date: Monday, August 13, 2012 9:39 am
Subject: Fwd: Re: 7,000 crore rupee mobile phone for below poverty line people
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Alok Tholia <>
> Date: Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:42 pm
> Subject: Re: 7,000 crore rupee mobile phone for below poverty line people
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. Handsets worth Rs 1500cr will be bought and govt will pay 7000
> cr . The rest will go for elections of 2013-14.
> > 2. The handsets will be bought from China of low qualitry which
> will be health hazard. So China will then sell cheap generics too.
> > 3. The poor will hv to pay repeatedly on repairs of these
> instruments and waste lot of money.
> > 4. When in city like Mumbai for Nokia and Samsung the two leading
> brands, we r harrassed, made to sit for hours at their service centers
> located at far away places and places where ther r no parking, no loo
> no water etc , they only work till 5 pm and on Mon to Friday where as
> they sell till 10 pm and all 7 days then can u imagine what will be
> condition of these poor, illetrate customers who will be looted by
> repaireres.
> > 5. Half of these free stuff will come out in grey market and will
> get sold in black like other rationed material and govt officials and
> ministers will make money.
> > 6. Insted govt must spend this on eduaction, health , sanitation
> and computerising police and courts who are very backward state.....
> >
> > Alok
> >
> > Can someone bring somestay order on this announced loot....
> >
> > --
> > Posted By Blogger to aloktholiya at 8/09/2012 10:09:00 AM
Monday, August 13, 2012
Thanks for the nice piece of information.
Re: Calcium availability
G K Agrawal ✆
10:52 PM (4 hours ago)
to me, B, shivgopal, jagat, virendra
Dear Shri Tholiyaji
Thanks for the nice piece of information.
G K Agrawal
M Com., LL B., CAIIB
Rural Development & Micro-Finance Consultant & Advocate
Resi: B 40, ASHISH
2nd Cross Lane, Near SBBJ,
Swami Samarth Nagar, Lokhandwala,
Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053
Mob:+ 91 9821320852; +91 8082434151
.P Save a tree. Pl. don't print this e-mail, unless it's really necessary
G K Agrawal ✆
10:52 PM (4 hours ago)
to me, B, shivgopal, jagat, virendra
Dear Shri Tholiyaji
Thanks for the nice piece of information.
G K Agrawal
M Com., LL B., CAIIB
Rural Development & Micro-Finance Consultant & Advocate
Resi: B 40, ASHISH
2nd Cross Lane, Near SBBJ,
Swami Samarth Nagar, Lokhandwala,
Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053
Mob:+ 91 9821320852; +91 8082434151
.P Save a tree. Pl. don't print this e-mail, unless it's really necessary
Thanks Dear Tholiyaji
vasundhara maheshwari ✆
4:13 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
Thanks Dear Tholiyaji..for this useful information...!
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
Prevent PMS with yogurt
Up to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at New York ’s Columbia University . “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a professor of gynecology at Yale University .
Tame chronic pain with turmeric
Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers. That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.
End endometrial pain with oats
The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal. Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University .
Soothe foot pain with salt
Experts say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California ’s Stanford University . The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.
Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple
Got gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That's because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.
Relax painful muscles with peppermint
Suffering from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.
Give your back some TLC with grapes
Got an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recen
Prone to migraines? Try muscling-up your painkiller with a coffee chaser. Whatever over-the-counter pain med you prefer, researchers at the National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40 percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.
Tame leg cramps with tomato juice
At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you'll not only speed your recovery, you'll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.
4:13 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
Thanks Dear Tholiyaji..for this useful information...!
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
Prevent PMS with yogurt
Up to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at New York ’s Columbia University . “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a professor of gynecology at Yale University .
Tame chronic pain with turmeric
Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers. That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.
End endometrial pain with oats
The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal. Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University .
Soothe foot pain with salt
Experts say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California ’s Stanford University . The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.
Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple
Got gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That's because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.
Relax painful muscles with peppermint
Suffering from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.
Give your back some TLC with grapes
Got an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recen
Prone to migraines? Try muscling-up your painkiller with a coffee chaser. Whatever over-the-counter pain med you prefer, researchers at the National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40 percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.
Tame leg cramps with tomato juice
At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you'll not only speed your recovery, you'll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
good article
Re: Yes you can. But only if you decide to come out of cacoon
From: | Ajay Jain (![]() |
Sent: | 09 August 2012 10:54AM |
To: | Alok Tholia ( |
good article
Ajay Jain
Jain International Trade Organisation - CEO
On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Alok Tholia <> wrote:
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Yes you can. But only if you decide to come out of cacoon
Life as it is 1( fight your weakness) : Someone coxed me to speak on Gandhi Jayanti Day when I was in 10Th standard.I fumbled miserably and cud hardly speak few words and left the stage. The compere one Bahadur singh nepali further humiliated me by saying Ata jata kuch nahi aur chale aate hein mic per ki logo ko impress karange but phir kahate hain eisa ho gay , vaisa ho gaya are mera to kachara ho gaya.I talked to my daddy on this. He advised me to stand opposite mirror and speak from written speeches. I somewhat picked up.In first year of my college I became group leader of several college associaations. And went on to become President of Jaycees youth club, Leos, Lions, etc etc... By this age I must have spoken to audience of 5 to 15000 and for a minute to few hours at a stretch on varied topics. I have spoken in street meetings, political meetings, meetings of proffessionls, meetings in 5 stars etc etc. I have conducted several seminars, discourses, leadership training programmes etc. I am not a very popular speaker (due to my tone and harsh language but is still sought after.Humiliation and criticism are blessings for me.NB: Join coaching, training,courses, etc.Life as it is 2(use resources to overcome difficulties): Earlier I use to pronounce Sha as sa. Some of the friends started teasing me. I realised I have to improve.And after lot of practice and due to the efforts and coaching of my dear friend Manohar krishna Pandit I did pick up correct pronounciation.NB: Go to speech therepist,plastic surgeon,personality developing institute, etc to overcome inabilities.Life as it is 3: Same was with English. We speak Hindi at home and were sent to 5 KM away to Hindi school though English schools were in our vicinity. I picked up English in a very interesting style. My daddy asked me to memorise atleast one new word daily to be picked up while on way to school from hoardings,boards, name plates , banners etc on way. Besides he subscribed to English edition of Indrajal comics published by Times. One may evade English text books but can't miss reading English comics.Then came issue of friends and connections.NB: There r cheap ways availble around us to over come shortcoming and shine out.Life as it is 4: Bury the darkside of your personality: I daily hear we won't go to so and so place or so and so group etc as no one speaks to us or no one knows us.I would react by saying you did not speak to them, you did not introduce yourself to them. Therefore from same crowd many felt lonely and left out. So it is never an issue that you are alone but it is an issue that you have chosen to be alone/ secluded/ lonely/cut off.And if u hv complex of any kind that they r more monied. or more sought after then that is an easiest thing to counter. Simple, very simple. Due to my social work and activism I was appointed Special Executive Magistrate when I was just 21 years of age. So people started calling me to gatherings and were proudly introducung me to their gang. I have a very bad voice, very bad at playing musical instrments, very bad in sports and on topics of sports and films which used to be and r still favourite time pass in trains and picnics and informal gatherings. So I learnt cracking jokes. So while I was poor participant in group singing/ antakshari but I was popular for lighter moments and so also for hosting/ comparing/ conducting show/ games etc.So you see not always looks or money matters. You can make yourself popular / liked/ sought after by improving in talent/ hobbies etc...Life as it is : Be creative and use resources with large heart as God has given same for you to share: Often there r people around us who have habit of only chasing celebrities or monied. But who does these who's who/ celebrities chase?? These celebrities and others respect those who have awnsers to lot of problems which keep cropping up in everyones life. So become awnser to atleast few of the issues of your near and dear ones and by helping them become part of their family/ close knit circle.Due to road accident of my father and age of my father and mother our movement to social life were some what restricted. Late beloved friend Dr J V Bhatt advised me to make them member of a senior citizens group at Santacruz West. I attended one meeting for sake of exposure. At my young age I had even arranged All India Conferences not to mention having run so many other organisations. LO! what I find, it was very easy to run a senior citizens group at my place. And if god has been kind enough to give me something so librally (place in city like Mumbai) then why not make best use of same. 8 years back I started senior citizens group known as Varishtha Nagrik Seva Sanstha and last Friday was our 208Th meeting. three years back I suffered a bout of depression. While I was doing OK due to medication but still felt need to have a group of fun and frolic making friends. I went with my wife to friends like Shri Suresh Chabra, Shri Narendra Paliwal and others and gave the idea of having homogenous group of jain members for sake of fun , food and picnic and yatras. Idea mooted by us is a now a well sought after group of like minded members alligned closer then family members.Make life happy and enjoy : Remember a mean, criminal minded, shy, snatcher of happiness of others can not enjoy life and only lives in Ahnkar which explodes with one major bad incidence in lifeSo friends, especially teens and retired, take own initiative to rise, develop personality, develop hooner (talent) and develop friend circle and group of well wishers. Do not wait for right time, right people or others to take initiative, others to spend money. Take first step ...not today... but just now... start with sending sms on friendship day....invite one senior citizen or not so successful old friend Sudama (Play Krishna) over a cup of tea…..Happy friendship day to you all...NB: Hooner was my dadaji’s favorite word and he always emphasised on concentrating and developing hooner.I wanted to add some memorable phots like playing cricket with Helen ( top film star of yester years and my favorite film actress) ( match played for Koyana flood releif fund), receiving award from Police commissioner, GM MTNL, with leaders , with top proffessional etc.. and not for boasting but to show that a simple ordinary person from a mediocer family cud achieve something so you can achieve much more.Alok Tholiya9324225699.--
Monday, August 6, 2012
experience that you have shared
From: | Prashant Jain (![]() |
Sent: | 06 August 2012 10:40AM |
To: | Alok Tholia ( |
Cc: | ( |
Alok, I like your mail and the experience that you have shared. Its really
motivating especially for the person like me. But problem with me is that my short comings I never be able o control
(at least I knew them). Anger management and short temperedness is my drawback. I will try to mend myself. Wish your experience help me. One request, please replace my company's id with personal id i.e. Regards, Prashant Jain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zensar Technologies, Zensar Knowledge Park, Plot#4, MIDC, Kharadi, Off Nagar Road, Pune – 411014 Landline : +91-20-6607 4018 | +91- 9850625570 Email : | Website: <>
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Yes you can. But only if you decide to come out of cacoon
Life as it is 1( fight your weakness) : Someone coxed me to speak on Gandhi Jayanti Day when I was in 10Th standard.I fumbled miserably and cud hardly speak few words and left the stage. The compere one Bahadur singh nepali further humiliated me by saying Ata jata kuch nahi aur chale aate hein mic per ki logo ko impress karange but phir kahate hain eisa ho gay , vaisa ho gaya are mera to kachara ho gaya.I talked to my daddy on this. He advised me to stand opposite mirror and speak from written speeches. I somewhat picked up.In first year of my college I became group leader of several college associaations. And went on to become President of Jaycees youth club, Leos, Lions, etc etc... By this age I must have spoken to audience of 5 to 15000 and for a minute to few hours at a stretch on varied topics. I have spoken in street meetings, political meetings, meetings of proffessionls, meetings in 5 stars etc etc. I have conducted several seminars, discourses, leadership training programmes etc. I am not a very popular speaker (due to my tone and harsh language but is still sought after.Humiliation and criticism are blessings for me.NB: Join coaching, training,courses, etc.Life as it is 2(use resources to overcome difficulties): Earlier I use to pronounce Sha as sa. Some of the friends started teasing me. I realised I have to improve.And after lot of practice and due to the efforts and coaching of my dear friend Manohar krishna Pandit I did pick up correct pronounciation.NB: Go to speech therepist,plastic surgeon,personality developing institute, etc to overcome inabilities.Life as it is 3: Same was with English. We speak Hindi at home and were sent to 5 KM away to Hindi school though English schools were in our vicinity. I picked up English in a very interesting style. My daddy asked me to memorise atleast one new word daily to be picked up while on way to school from hoardings,boards, name plates , banners etc on way. Besides he subscribed to English edition of Indrajal comics published by Times. One may evade English text books but can't miss reading English comics.Then came issue of friends and connections.NB: There r cheap ways availble around us to over come shortcoming and shine out.Life as it is 4: Bury the darkside of your personality: I daily hear we won't go to so and so place or so and so group etc as no one speaks to us or no one knows us.I would react by saying you did not speak to them, you did not introduce yourself to them. Therefore from same crowd many felt lonely and left out. So it is never an issue that you are alone but it is an issue that you have chosen to be alone/ secluded/ lonely/cut off.And if u hv complex of any kind that they r more monied. or more sought after then that is an easiest thing to counter. Simple, very simple. Due to my social work and activism I was appointed Special Executive Magistrate when I was just 21 years of age. So people started calling me to gatherings and were proudly introducung me to their gang. I have a very bad voice, very bad at playing musical instrments, very bad in sports and on topics of sports and films which used to be and r still favourite time pass in trains and picnics and informal gatherings. So I learnt cracking jokes. So while I was poor participant in group singing/ antakshari but I was popular for lighter moments and so also for hosting/ comparing/ conducting show/ games etc.So you see not always looks or money matters. You can make yourself popular / liked/ sought after by improving in talent/ hobbies etc...Life as it is : Be creative and use resources with large heart as God has given same for you to share: Often there r people around us who have habit of only chasing celebrities or monied. But who does these who's who/ celebrities chase?? These celebrities and others respect those who have awnsers to lot of problems which keep cropping up in everyones life. So become awnser to atleast few of the issues of your near and dear ones and by helping them become part of their family/ close knit circle.Due to road accident of my father and age of my father and mother our movement to social life were some what restricted. Late beloved friend Dr J V Bhatt advised me to make them member of a senior citizens group at Santacruz West. I attended one meeting for sake of exposure. At my young age I had even arranged All India Conferences not to mention having run so many other organisations. LO! what I find, it was very easy to run a senior citizens group at my place. And if god has been kind enough to give me something so librally (place in city like Mumbai) then why not make best use of same. 8 years back I started senior citizens group known as Varishtha Nagrik Seva Sanstha and last Friday was our 208Th meeting. three years back I suffered a bout of depression. While I was doing OK due to medication but still felt need to have a group of fun and frolic making friends. I went with my wife to friends like Shri Suresh Chabra, Shri Narendra Paliwal and others and gave the idea of having homogenous group of jain members for sake of fun , food and picnic and yatras. Idea mooted by us is a now a well sought after group of like minded members alligned closer then family members.Make life happy and enjoy : Remember a mean, criminal minded, shy, snatcher of happiness of others can not enjoy life and only lives in Ahnkar which explodes with one major bad incidence in lifeSo friends, especially teens and retired, take own initiative to rise, develop personality, develop hooner (talent) and develop friend circle and group of well wishers. Do not wait for right time, right people or others to take initiative, others to spend money. Take first step ...not today... but just now... start with sending sms on friendship day....invite one senior citizen or not so successful old friend Sudama (Play Krishna) over a cup of tea…..Happy friendship day to you all...NB: Hooner was my dadji’s favorite word and he always emphasised on concentratinga nd developing hooner.I wanted to add some memorable phots like playing cricket with Helen ( top film star of yester years and my favorite film actress) ( match played for Koyana flood releif fund), receiving award from Police commissioner, GM MTNL, with leaders , with top proffessional etc.. and not for boasting but to show that a simple ordinary person from a medicer family cud achieve something so you can achieve much more.Alok Tholiya9324225699
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