Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hope it will get Na Mo ATTENTION SURELY

Naveen Gupta
7:48 PM (8 hours ago)
to me
Many thanks Dear Alok ji to keep in the loop. Rottenness is well known. Hope it will get Na Mo ATTENTION SURELY to barb at Congress and change public mood. Let us all do our bit. JAI HIND

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Atleast our efforts will help our next generation

Ravindran P M
6:31 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
Dear Sri Alok Tholiya
Sad to hear of your bad experience. But then that is the experience of most ordinary folks. We can only fight and fight with spirit of do or die. Atleast our efforts will help our next generation to lead better lives.
You can go through my blogs at http://raviforjustice.blogspot.com

regards n bw
