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From: doctor togadia <drtogadia@gmail.com>
To: tholiya@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, 27 December, 2010 4:33:33 PM
Subject: Re: meri pahli badi jeet , my first victory due to RTI.....for me RTI is Durga.....Alok
From: doctor togadia <drtogadia@gmail.com>
To: tholiya@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, 27 December, 2010 4:33:33 PM
Subject: Re: meri pahli badi jeet , my first victory due to RTI.....for me RTI is Durga.....Alok
Great victory, really! Contracts & bravo to your guts. Please keep it up & let us together make a difference. Regards.
On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Alok Tholiya <tholiya@yahoo.com> wrote:
I was a hapless/ helpless guy all my life till RTI was introduced. No govt dept was willing to act,respond,reply and I was living like a slave.My mobile was pick pocketed in bus in june 2010. Same day I lodged a police complaint. Like all these yrs no one was in the mood to act. I followed twice by visit and twice by letter, then I registered with Mumbai police commissioners web site. As was happening since Independence nothing happened. Commissioner is very busy serveing his Akas so a further promotions, appointment after retirement on imp. posts and allottment of land/ flats keep happeneing. All top brass in our system want to serve only builders,hotelieres, mafias , some netas who can influence allottments etc etc.So I filed after 5 months of follow up a RTI application abt my mobile and several other aspects of handling mobile complaints. And lo on 24/12/10 police called me that my mobile has been found and that come and collect.To save the thief ( Javed Hakim Shaikh mobile no. 9869903731) they closed the matter as lost and found instead of making a criminal case of theft against Javed Hakim.I played cool and innocent and did not press for further action as going to Indian court is like going to hell.My 3G mobile with 5 MP camera (used for taking nasty lapses of govt officials) and office features were of no use to this guy who could have returend a peice for hefty tip/ baksish if he was really honest.He has totally spoilt the pc and Nokia yesterday quoted me Rs 2500/- for repairs.Ofcourse I have given for Rs. 900/- for repairs to a small timer outside.So, first time I cud get a police to act and get some result is all due to RTI. Shree Shree Shree RTI you have made me a citizen from a slave. RTI is some thing which even President Obama referred to as great virtue of modern India.As a gratitude I will reserve Rs. 2500/- to spend on protecting RTI and protecting my rights got since year 2005.I offer my place free for meeting ( AC and suitable for 60 seats) to RTI activists with tea and biscuits from my side. RTI activists you are my Durga. I will never worship Durga idol but RTI act and RTI activists who fight devils and give me a lay man like me with no voice a freedom.Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699
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Alok Tholiya
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