Monday, January 9, 2012

Vikas jain replies in agreement

vikas jain ✆

19:18 (2 hours ago)

to me 
On that fact I completely agree with you. All Sects of Jain Samaj should contribute and provide a world class educational facility where Jains get a priority. As a addional compulsory subject(may not carry marks but grades) on teachings of Jainism be kept. I am sure Jain samaj is capable enough to build such facilities...


Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 21:32:24 +0530
Subject: Re: Yugraj Jain (Article)
We r not saying that all students of all communities or even all jain students can get jain schools. But atleast a noticeable efforts can be made. Arya samaj which is just some years old has 4 Arya Samaj schools run with their culture.
Sikhs too have their own colleges and schools, hospitals ( Guru Nanak Hospital , bandra, . But Jains have only spent on panchklyanak and pratithstha and our children have to beggers for admission and our patients have to be bowing to someone else. Sindhi samaj, hv so many colleges and schools. 
Most of these smaller communities have their own community halls for marriage where as we have to go to hotels where they serve non veg / alcohlo or beg before Bangads/ somani etc for hall.
sad , is not it???
Worst is there were some good visionary jains who donated land / or hostels etc but many greedy have either misappropriated same or are badly managed. There r not many institutes which v can be poud of.

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiyals

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