Dear Alok,
You have given food for thought to expand a little bit of your understanding and experience Would it be right to coin following definition for democracy ? A government for the vips,vvips, celebrities, cricketeers, bureaucrats, scamsters, mafias, underworld, public servants, bootleggers, land grabbers. peace haters, tax evaders, law breakers. adulterators and so on, by the vips,vvips, celebrities, cricketeers, bureaucrats, scamsters, mafias, underworld, public servants, bootleggers, land grabbers. peace haters, tax evaders, law breakers. adulterators and so on, of the vips,vvips, celebrities, cricketeers, bureaucrats, scamsters, mafias, underworld, public servants, bootleggers, land grabbers. peace haters, tax evaders, law breakers. adulterators and so on, Yes it appears that is what democracy is !!! Our population who are governed by "democratic " government roughly should be 10% of the 1.2 billion (official)! It is high time the dictionary meaning of Democracy revised! These 10 % are players in football game and the remaining 90% are balls being kicked around by the above mentioned 'representatives' of the Government! And the argument is that you and me have voted them into power !!
We hsve seen, in the recent 2 G spectrum scams, many personalities including "respected" business men beamed by media and TV channels as iconic figures worthy of being emulated are all parties to the huge booty of 1.76 lakhs crore! Every one kept their mouth shut for years about the wrong doings! The fact is that the money is swallowed but spending the monies further for the so called "investigation" is like scrutinizing the horoscope of a dead child ! Allowing scams to take place by people duty bound by oath to protect the interest of people and country should be given the severest of punishments if those empowered to punish cannot be bought over I am not sure whether the concerned 'authority' has applied for a position in guinness world record for having 1/3rd of the world's population in India for a contry to have the highest poverty level and number of poor!!! Thanks
From: Mr Alok Tholiya <> Subject: !!!!!!!!!! Happy Republic Day !!!!!!!!!!
Date: Tuesday, 25 January, 2011, 11:08 PM
This is a day wben Indian lay man was enslaved. Our British masters handed over our neck belt in the hands of IPS/ IRS/CBI/IAS/Judiciary/commissioners/ collectors and since 61 yrs they r sucking our blood, harrassing,delaying,giving us poor infrastructure and keeping us backward while world ( see China/ Malaysia etc marching ahead). I have been time and again shooed away even in I go near cabin of Sr inspector of police, or of Magistrate or of senior officer in govt as a stray dog has come. They will never use polite language brother pl. come on this side or brother sit down. They never reply, never listen , never respect whatever is ur age, status in society. They know only one language Ji hajoori, bribe, liquor,w..... etc etc .. I will not be celebrating my own dooms day. Will you??? Search ur soul???????? Thanks and Regards, Alok |
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