Cyber laws and common man specially over zealous teens and activists

7:21 PM (1 hour ago)
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Good effort to make awerness, But the govt. persons, beurocrates never work unless some orders,
I have post e'mail sent by london persone winning coca cola lottery for Rs.50,00,000,to No body bothers to track the mail.
Even though good effort,Keep it up.
--- On Wed, 19/12/12, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
From: Alok Tholiya <>
Subject: Cyber laws and common man specially over zealous teens and activists
To: "Jain Matrimonials" <jainmatrimonials@yahoogroups.
Date: Wednesday, 19 December, 2012, 4:23 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Udhe Prabhu <>
Date: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Cyber laws and common man specially over zealous teens and activists [like me].
To: Alok Tholiya <>
Dear Shri Alok Tholiya-ji,
Sincere thanks for this mail endorsed to me also, I agree partially and I too believe that, we have such a beautiful E-Tool, which puts all of us on the same platform instantly / all the time & we all are tempted to use the same due to no / low cost.
Hence, We need to create awareness continously on this ever evolving - CYBER Law & its Corelated Laws, to use it responsibly and with full accountability.
What I have also observed in the past and at present is that many a times, people just read the Information Technology Act and conveninetly, feel nothing great about it, but let me tell you it is one of the complete act which richly deserves to be read and viewed with other co-related acts and some of the sections that I have come across and researched till date to understand and implement or correct my good friends from doing inconsistent with it, which I wish to share with you all as I have observed, here are some of the commonly used, some of the sections of IT Act / IPC etc, are as under:-
Some of the Offences Section under IT Act & Co-Related Acts.
Sincere thanks for this mail endorsed to me also, I agree partially and I too believe that, we have such a beautiful E-Tool, which puts all of us on the same platform instantly / all the time & we all are tempted to use the same due to no / low cost.
Hence, We need to create awareness continously on this ever evolving - CYBER Law & its Corelated Laws, to use it responsibly and with full accountability.
What I have also observed in the past and at present is that many a times, people just read the Information Technology Act and conveninetly, feel nothing great about it, but let me tell you it is one of the complete act which richly deserves to be read and viewed with other co-related acts and some of the sections that I have come across and researched till date to understand and implement or correct my good friends from doing inconsistent with it, which I wish to share with you all as I have observed, here are some of the commonly used, some of the sections of IT Act / IPC etc, are as under:-
Some of the Offences Section under IT Act & Co-Related Acts.
1. Tampering with computer source Documents Sec.65
2. Hacking with computer systems , Data Alteration Sec.66
3. Sending offensive messages through communication service, etc Sec.66A
4. Dishonestly receiving stolen computer resource or communication device Sec.66B
5. Identity theft Sec.66C
6. Cheating by personating by using computer resource Sec.66D
7. Violation of privacy Sec.66E
8. Cyber terrorism Sec.66F
9. Publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form Sec .67
10. Publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form Sec.67A
11. Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form Sec.67B
11. Preservation and Retention of information by intermediaries Sec.67C
12. Powers to issue directions for interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any computer resource Sec.69
13. Power to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information through any computer resource Sec.69A
14. Power to authorize to monitor and collect traffic data or information through any computer resource for Cyber Security Sec.69B
15. Un-authorized access to protected system Sec.70
16. Penalty for misrepresentation Sec.71
17. Breach of confidentiality and privacy Sec.72
18. Publishing False digital signature certificates Sec.73
19. Publication for fraudulent purpose Sec.74
29. Act to apply for offence or contraventions committed outside India Sec.75
21. Compensation, penalties or confiscation not to interfere with other
Punishment Sec.77
22. Compounding of Offences Sec.77A
23. Offences with three years imprisonment to be cognizable Sec.77B
24. Exemption from liability of intermediary in certain cases Sec.79
25. Punishment for abetment of offences Sec.84B
26. Punishment for attempt to commit offences Sec.84C
27. Offences by Companies Sec.85
Note : Sec.78 of I.T. Act empowers Police Inspector to investigate cases falling under this Act.
28. Sending threatening messages by e-mail Sec .503 IPC
29. Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman Sec.509 IPC
30. Sending defamatory messages by e-mail Sec .499 IPC
31. Bogus websites , Cyber Frauds Sec .420 IPC
32. E-mail Spoofing Sec .463 IPC
33. Making a false document Sec.464 IPC
34. Forgery for purpose of cheating Sec.468 IPC
35. Forgery for purpose of harming reputation Sec.469 IPC
36. Web-Jacking Sec .383 IPC
37. E-mail Abuse Sec .500 IPC
38. Punishment for criminal intimidation Sec.506 IPC
39. Criminal intimidation by an anonymous communication Sec.507 IPC
40. When copyright infringed:- Copyright in a work shall be deemed to be
Infringed Sec.51
41. Offence of infringement of copyright or other rights conferred by this Act. Any person who knowingly infringes or abets the infringement of
42. Enhanced penalty on second and subsequent convictions Sec.63A
43. Knowing use of infringing copy of computer programme to be an offence Sec.63B
44. Obscenity Sec. 292 IPC
45. Printing etc. of grossly indecent or scurrilous matter or matter intended for blackmail Sec.292A IPC
46. Sale, etc., of obscene objects to young person Sec .293 IPC
47. Obscene acts and songs Sec.294 IPC
48. Theft of Computer Hardware Sec. 378
49. Punishment for theft Sec.379
50. Online Sale of Drugs NDPS Act
51. Online Sale of Arms Act
am Sure,Shri Sandip Jalan-ji [of JANHIT MANCH] can collate all of such
more information and educate all of us, as before, our books are open
for improvement & suggestions- 24x7 all 365 days.
Sir, I have done my role,now let my brother herein also pitch in and take us forward keeping the above in mind.
God Bless U,
Actively Yours,
UDAY PRABHU- 093 222 666 17
Sir, I have done my role,now let my brother herein also pitch in and take us forward keeping the above in mind.
God Bless U,
Actively Yours,
UDAY PRABHU- 093 222 666 17
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alok Tholiya <>
Date: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:48 AM
Subject: Cyber laws and common man specially over zealous teens and activists
To: Activist Uday M Prabhu Insu Surveyors <>, Activist Uday M Prabhu Insu Surveyors <>, "Activist UTSAL H. KARANI" <>
Dear All,
I hv seen teens our of ignorance and over zeal and activists ( aseem) or affected persons in life try to use cyber/ net / social media to vent out. They r ignorant and innocent. But law does not ignore u even if u r ignorant. and can get caught. Worst is much before judiciary comes in picture u hv to pay price to police if they r up to it which we saw recently in many cases.
Therefore proper education and awareness is required to this end:
- mini article on newspapers
- talk show on TV
- small manual like what Setalvad and Sandeep Jalan had come out with on police/ criminal law/ FIR .
- Establishment of PRO post in cyber police where one can go / call/ email and seek views on cyber law.
- Lectures to be arranged by Bar, Rotary, Lions etc..
- Poster to be printed by govt, law ministry, police on this.
Alok Tholiya,
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