Monday, December 24, 2012


Mohammed Afzal
9:01 AM (43 minutes ago)

to me
Alok Saab,

Well said. I am currently facing the same problem as API has been managed by the Secretary's henchmen in a cheating case where money has been fraudulently removed by a bearer chq.

1st API took my statement than said its missing Sr.PI ask me to give another statement.

Now Crime detection officer called me saying that I had emailed a complaint to Commissioner so plz come down and give a statement. I told him that I already hv given one. He said this is detection team so plz do do come. I M not sure what they are up to.

Regds - Mohammed Afzal

Sent from my iPhone

On 25-Dec-2012, at 5:06 AM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:


Laws r not weak. Weak is moral and  character of Police, police prosecutor and Judges. If they r a purchasable commodity and are easily purchased by even  worst criminals then no law can save you. 
And if there r Advocates who happily take cases of worst criminals and then do all crooked things to save them like breaking witnesses, making files disappear, take dates are date so genuine persons, witnesses shy out of court, fabricate documents , story ( even person like Jethmalani did it in Jessica case)  then  who can save you.

If you know someone in home ministry then you can manage police, if you know someone in corridors of Mantralaya, law ministry then Judges can be managed.

Then who can save you. LAW no.

But a video recordings of witnesses on IO level, all files, papers, documents to be uploaded on cloud / on line so no records are missing/ not found in time, IO and PP be punished if more then 50% cases there r no conviction, their records be uploaded on site of High court, no adjournments should be given on bogus grounds , on the request of accused, and without the permission of complainant, court proceedings must be video recorded as most judges and mischievous advocates take advantage of absence of camera, recordings of courts. There is a third umpire in Cricket but not in courts. Is your life dependent on courts or cricket.Every one be given time bound schedule like in case of RTI. Everyone has to reply in fix time under RTI but the second appeal commissioner and he takes advantage of same.

Police dose not file FIR in time, they do not file charge sheet in time, PP does not take interest and get sold out easily, mediation report , counseling reports does not come in time, Judges do not hear matter and keep adjourning then can any of law help you??????????

Alok Tholiya one tells you this except Alok


  1. Dr. NC Jain
    11:54 AM (9 hours ago)
    You have highlighted the facts. Let us hope that Politicians will find some solution for above
    Dr N C Jain

  2. Mohan Kotyankar

    11:57 AM (9 hours ago)

    to Mayank, Praful, ravi, Sadasivan, Poornima, SANJAY, me
    This is the sorry state of affairs prevailing in today's life, Aam
    Aadmi has no where to go for Justice when pitted against influential
    individuals. The system is rotten and need immediate repair, how can
    we do it?

    Mohan K

  3. Dilip Gandhi

    2:33 PM (7 hours ago)

    to me
    Dear Mr. Alok Tholiya,

    You are absolutely correct and I am fully agree with your view points.

    In the present system, we the common man are the great sufferer and victim of such corrupt system, which needs to be changed. Our politicians have ruined the country.
    God May save our country.
    93222 20134

  4. fROM: Dilip Gandhi
    reply-to: Dilip Gandhi
    to: "" ,
    "" ,
    MSingh ,
    "" ,
    "" ,
    Rahul ,
    "" ,
    cc: "" ,
    "" ,
    "" ,
    "" ,
    "" ,
    "" ,
    date: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 5:05 PM

    Dilip Gandhi

    5:05 PM (4 hours ago)

    to pmh7rcr, pmosb, MSingh, presidentofind., president, Rahul, veerapavmoily, chiefminister, whsiddiqi,, rsks, ed, chairman, vvrao, dsrmbhan
    The President of India
    The Prime Minister of India
    The Home Minister
    The Law Minister.

    The below mail is self explanatory and you are requested to kindly do the needful in the matter.

    DILIP GANDHI :x lovestruck
    93222 20134
