Friday, February 25, 2011

Fw: [jainmatrimonials] Difference Between Habits and Behaviors

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: nk jain <>
Sent: Thu, 24 February, 2011 1:44:30 PM
Subject: Re: [jainmatrimonials] Difference Between Habits and Behaviors

Dear Shri Tholiyaji,
Thanks for the excellent mails that I am getting from you. The recent one was about the behaviour and HABIT.
Regarding HABIT I would like to mention that the habit is such a permanent sort of thing in the behaviour of the person that it can not be easily erased. This can be proved from the fact that out of the whole spelling of the word HABIT, if you erase first letter 'H' the remaining word would be ABIT i.e. a bit - that means something will remain. After that if you erase second letter also then there remains 'BIT' that means still something has remained. After this if you erase the third letter then remains the word 'IT' means still it is there. After this if you erase I then remains 'T'. Thus till you erase one by one each of the letters of the word HABIT, this can not easily be erased. So is with the HABIT - the thing which can not be easily be erased is called HABIT.
--- On Wed, 2/23/11, Mr Alok Tholiya <> wrote:

From: Mr Alok Tholiya <>
Subject: [jainmatrimonials] Difference Between Habits and Behaviors
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 10:54 PM

Difference Between Habits and Behaviors
Ads by Gooqie Habits Doci Behaviors OCD Behavior 7 Habits Covey
• Habits vs behaviors
A person is described by the habits and behaviors he possesses. These habits and behaviors can tell the character and the identity of that certain person. These things very important in the over all attribute of a human person. It can tell whether the person has a positive character or a bad identity. These things seem to be one and the same but the truth is there is a big difference between habits and behaviors. To define your character and your identity, it is best you must know the differences and the definition of habits and behaviors.
When one say behavior, it means the over all action of the system in coordination with its environment and surroundings. The system of organism around an individual greatly affects the behavior of a person. Behavior is the response to the different actions made by the system or organism around that person or even inside that person. It may be voluntary or involuntary.
Habits are the things a person does repeatedly until such time that it becomes automatic. It is often unnoticed because people don't keep on checking their routine, they just do it. Doing the same things over and over again can also be a form of learning, until in the long run the one doing the action
towards a situation face it with familiarity and not in varied ways anymore. Habits are somewhat mastered acts that people do repeatedly.
While behavior is the reaction of the system on the impulses around it, habit is the thing a person does repeatedly and subconsciously until it becomes a routine. This is the main difference between the two. This means there are times when habits tend to become

 When it comes to behaviors, it is actually triggered by the nervous and the endocrine system, which means if the nervous system has a big effect on a person's behavior.
Another difference between the two is that the habit cannot be a behavior because, habit is subconsciously repeated and are not intended sometimes, unlike behavior which is just a reaction to outside impulses. This is another major difference between the two that behavior is done consciously while habit is done unconsciously.
One of the most remarkable differences between habits and behavior is that, behaviors are outputs of an individual towards his environment, while habits are the input of the environment on that certain individuals; this is why they say that "habits die hard."
These are the definition and differences of habits and behaviors, with this you may be able to know peoples character and identity.
Habits are repeated actions that later on become
automatic and are difficult to stop, unlike behaviors,
these are just reactions to impulses in the •. .com
environment. Behaviors are done consciously while habits are
done subconsciously.
Habits are sometimes compulsory while behaviors may be affected greatly by the nervous system.
Behaviors are outputs of an individual to its environment while habits are the inputs of the environment on an individual.


Recent Activity:


    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    FW: [menow] FW: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs &other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok



    Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 09:58:59 +0530
    Subject: RE: [menow] FW: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs &other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok


    Dear Mr. Alok Tholia


    Congratulations for putting up a brave fight. I agree with the malpractices in medical profession. I think you should expose this hospital so that they would stop harassing other patients.






    From: [] On Behalf Of Alok Tholia
    Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:20 AM
    To: Asian Heart Yahoogroups
    Subject: [menow] FW: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs &other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok



    Dear Krish,


    very true. No profession be it medical, education or religion ( Guru, saint,pujari,father,maulana) etc are any more noble.


     Recently at 2 am my father became breathless. He was already not well for a month. I rushed him in ambulance to Hinduja. There they very promptly stabilized him in casualty but then they said they have no place in ICU and that we shud shift him.

    We checked at seven hills who described the charges on phone itseld and told us to come over.Seven hills is little far and is in area which remains heavily traffic jammed. Then we called another hospital ( I want to avoid taking name) as same is headed by a good doctor and has good facilities ( but ethics???) and is only 7 minutes away from my house thus is nearest pvt hospital for me. They said they have a place in ICU. We rushed him there. They took him in to casualty and from there to ICU. Then I was asked to go and finish formalities of registration. There they surprised me by saying that I can not decide/ opt for a class I want for my patient. They said hospital policy is that emergency patients are given only Deluxe class ( room rate Rs 9500/- per day , doctor visit Rs 1700/- per visit and other charges high accordingly).


    When I showed my reluctance , insited that there is no such rule which can allow this to happen in our country ( but in my heart I knew it is only in our country that common man are fleeced , duped,harrassed, armtwisted, blackmailed, illtreated and rich, who's who, VIP's are treated like maharajas ( see this hospital itself where there is luxurieos VIP lounge,  but has  badly kept dining room for relatives of patients behind in the dump area ) . The counter in charge then said u may pl. talk to Dr Yadav tomorrow and she may consider to down grade our room. With some reluctance I paid the deposit. From then own I kept following up with Mrs yadav and all others I cud approach and find contacts. I also carried my IT papers to support my case.


    After 3 days keeping my request on hold they flately refused to do anything.

    Ofcourse they have there policy and I have mine of activism and not to easily give in to arm twisting. I warned them politely. They stuck to their guns..of course it was worst then AK 47.


    I had no choice but to take out my weapon given by beloved Bapu Gandhiji.


    I made 3 posters :

    1. so and so hospital have some heart.

    2. Dr so and so fear God

    3. stop armtwisting of emergency patients


    One I pasted thru cello tape on my shirt , second I hired a poor boy and asked him to stand on gate and third I put up on my car parked on gate. I purposely selected time of 8 pm as 95 % of visitors are gone by that time as I wanted to avoid big scene ( did not want to use Ironman's hammer where gold smith hammer can work). I quietly started roaming in their palatial lobby. Slowly some relatives ( out of remaining 15 -20 ) before 7 pm there r more then 200 ) started murmuring, one or two gathered courage and came to me , appreciated, started telling their problems too, etc.. Hosp staff kept on looking from distance. They were in for a surprise and did not know what to do. Finally a team of 3 sr. managers who were leaving for home spotted me and came to me. The lady heading them was having extraordinary  PR skills ( as if I am talked rough,loud,wrong language etc then I too loose my temper and then in short madness big scene is created) and sat clsoe to me, discussed the issue which I said :


    1. I should have been told on phone that these are our terms and condition and charges when I had called up. After calling me with emergency patient, taking him in charge they can not
    give me any rude shock?


    2. They should have refused my request on first day as then I cud think of shifting patient to other hosp.


    3. As a consumer I have a right to select the product and services of my choice and budget and know damages in advance. They have other rooms available then how can they insist that I must opt for the one which they would like ?


    4. I also asked on what criteria / reasoning my request to down grade was refused and without even having look at my IT papers. Just whims or because I was not having some sr. bureaucrat, union to side me??


    5. I highlighted that my patient was 88 yrs old Sr. citizen and that definitely deserved a soft approach.


    She rushed in  ( I can only believe she must have had to negotiat very hard for my case)  and came back with an announcement that my request is granted. My bed charges came down by 50%. and doctors charges from whopping Rs 1700 to Rs 600/- per visit etc..



    By the way there is a path lab in Santacruz east which has lowest charges and has written on board that we are lowest because we don't give any commission to doctors. And pl. note that there are no doctors who recommend that lab and only send to ( I will again avoid taking names)


    Most family doctors for even small ailments refer in writing to specialists. The best option is to say if your roll is over then we will select the specialist / hospital and don't go with their letter. Even if specialist / hospital does not want you to over bill / do unnecessary surgery/ tests but they have to as the doc recommending wants big cut and if he does not get then next time he will not send Murga / bakra/  innocent client.


    Caution: Many tests some times are necessary too to rule out and narrow down on problem so all negative tests do not mean that they were unnecessary.

    Caution2 : I knew I am between good people ( may be little less ethical) and not in the hands of criminals but if I was in UP/ Bihar/ bureaucrat run place then I would have not done even this mild peaceful activism as there cud have been threat to patients life.

    Caution 3: Let us prepare and arm ourselves with knowledge, procedures, policies, etc of medical profession so we are not taken by surprise. Someone can start a yahoo group / a discussion forum for common man who may need / are in need to share hospital experiences/ woes/expenses.Atleast that is our birth right as a free???? citizens of free??? nation.




    Thanks and Regards,
    Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.), M:9324225699 :
    Tholiya Bhavan,
    10th Road , Santacruz east, Mumbai 400055


    For Issues of Sr. citizens :
    Issues of Public interests :
    For education funds : •
    Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:


    Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:05:56 +0530
    Subject: [juhuektaalm] Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!



    Dear All,


    Corruption has many names, and one of these names is "commission". The government is no doubt corrupt… but civil society isn't innocent either. Professionals and businessmen of various sorts indulge in unscrupulous practices. I recently had a chat with some doctors, surgeons and owners of nursing homes about the tricks of their trade. Here is what they told me:


    1)      40-60% kickbacks for lab tests. When a doctor (whether family doctor / general physician, consultant or surgeon) prescribes tests – pathology, radiology, X-rays, MRIs etc. – the laboratory conducting those tests gives commissions. In South and Central Mumbai -- 40%. In the suburbs north of Bandra -- a whopping 60 per cent! He probably earns a lot more in this way than the consulting fees that you paid him!


    2)      30-40% for referring to consultants, specialists & surgeons. When your friendly GP refers you to a specialist or surgeon, he gets 30-40% from them.


    3)      30-40% of total hospital charges. If the GP or consultant recommends hospitalization, he will receive kickback from the private nursing home as a percentage of all charges including ICU, bed, nursing care, surgery etc.


    4)      Sink tests. Some tests prescribed by doctors are not needed. They are there to inflate bills and commissions. The pathology lab understands what is unnecessary. These are called "sink tests"; blood, urine, stool samples collected will be thrown into the sink.


    5)      Admitting the patient to "keep him under observation". People go to cardiologists feeling unwell and anxious. Most of them aren't really having a heart attack, and cardiologists and family doctors are well aware of this. They admit such safe patients, put them on a saline drip with mild sedation, and send them home after 3-4 days after charging them a fat amount for ICU, bed charges, visiting doctors etc.


    6)      ICU minus intensive care. Nursing homes all over the suburbs are run by doctor couples or as one-man-shows. In such places, nurses and ward boys are 10th class drop-outs in ill-fitting uniforms and bare feet. These "nurses" sit at the reception counter, give injections and saline drips, perform ECGs, apply dressings and change bandages, and assist in the operation theatre. At night, they even sit outside the Intensive Care Units; there is no resident doctor. In case of a crisis, the doctor -- who usually lives in the same building -- will turn up after 20 minutes, after this nurse calls him. Such ICUs admit safe patients to fill up beds. Genuine patients who require emergency care are sent elsewhere to hospitals having a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) round-the-clock.


    7)      Unnecessary caesarian surgeries and hysterectomies. Many surgical procedures are done to keep the cash register ringing. Caesarian deliveries and hysterectomy (removal of uterus) are high on the list. While the woman with labour-pains is screaming and panicking, the obstetrician who gently suggests that caesarian is best seems like an angel sent by God! Menopausal women experience bodily changes that make them nervous and gullible. They can be frightened by words like"cysts" and "fibroids" that are in almost every normal woman's radiology reports. When a gynaecologist gently suggests womb removal "as a precaution", most women and their husbands agree without a second's delay.


    8)      Cosmetic surgery advertized through newspapers. Liposuction and plastic surgery are not minor procedures. Some are life-threateningly major. But advertisements make them appear as easy as facials and waxing. The Indian medical council has strict rules against such misrepresentation. But nobody is interested in taking action.


    9)       Indirect kickbacks from doctors to prestigious hospitals. To be on the panel of a prestigious hospital, there is give-and-take involved. The hospital expects the doctor to refer many patients for hospital admission. If he fails to send a certain number of patients, he is quietly dumped. And so he likes to admit patients even when there is no need.


    10)  "Emergency surgery" on dead body. If a surgeon hurriedly wheels your patient from the Intensive Care Unit to the operation theatre, refuses to let you go inside and see him, and wants your signature on the consent form for "an emergency operation to save his life", it is likely that your patient is already dead. The "emergency operation" is for inflating the bill; if you agree for it, the surgeon will come out 15 minutes later and report that your patient died on the operation table. And then, when you take delivery of the dead body, you will pay OT charges, anaesthesiologist's charges, blah-blah-blah.  


    Doctors are human too. You can't trust them blindly. Please understand the difference between:


    ·         Young surgeons and old ones. The young ones who are setting up nursing home etc. have heavy loans to settle. To pay back the loan, they have to perform as many operations as possible. Also, to build a reputation, they have to perform a large number of operations and develop their skills. So, at first, every case seems fit for cutting. But with age, experience and prosperity, many surgeons lose their taste for cutting, and stop recommending surgery.


    ·         Physicians and surgeons. To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Surgeons like to solve medical problems by cutting, just as physicians first seek solutions with drugs. So, if you take your medical problem to a surgeon first, the chances are that you will unnecessarily end up on the operation table. Instead, please go to an ordinary GP first.


    Warm Regards,


    98215 88114


    Recent Activity:


      it is almost impossible for a non insured family to take care of health problems.

      ----- Forwarded Message ----
      From: pavan kumar jain <>
      To: Alok Tholiya <>
      Sent: Fri, 18 February, 2011 10:29:25 AM
      Subject: Re: [Jain Utsav] RE: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & oth...

      The healthcare system in the country is operating like a big scandal. Hospitals and doctors, though not all, bu in general are out to extract maximum amount from the patients/their relatives, actually it is a form of extortion. Of course, we also hear examples of very good doctors who believe in the service to mankind.
      In my understanding a strong regulatory system is required who can regulate the entire system of healthcare in the country. Public healthcare system is going to the dogs and private one is making it so expensive that it is almost impossible for a non insured family to take care of health problems.
      Pavan K Jain

      --- On Thu, 17/2/11, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:

      From: Alok Tholiya <>
      Subject: [Jain Utsav] RE: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & oth...
      Date: Thursday, 17 February, 2011, 9:29 AM

      Alok adds: Legally letter from doctor saying go to particular lab, go to particular hospital, take particular brand of medicine , go to particular specialist etc shold be banned/ made illegal.

      Dear Krish,


      very true. No profession be it medical, education or religion ( Guru, saint,pujari,father,maulana) etc are any more noble.


       Recently at 2 am my father became breathless. He was already not well for a month. I rushed him in ambulance to Hinduja. There they very promptly stabilized him in casualty but then they said they have no place in ICU and that we shud shift him.

      We checked at seven hills who described the charges on phone itseld and told us to come over.Seven hills is little far and is in area which remains heavily traffic jammed. Then we called another hospital ( I want to avoid taking name) as same is headed by a good doctor and has good facilities ( but ethics???) and is only 7 minutes away from my house thus is nearest pvt hospital for me. They said they have a place in ICU. We rushed him there. They took him in to casualty and from there to ICU. Then I was asked to go and finish formalities of registration. There they surprised me by saying that I can not decide/ opt for a class I want for my patient. They said hospital policy is that emergency patients are given only Deluxe class ( room rate Rs 9500/- per day , doctor visit Rs 1700/- per visit and other charges high accordingly).


      When I showed my reluctance , insited that there is no such rule which can allow this to happen in our country ( but in my heart I knew it is only in our country that common man are fleeced , duped,harrassed, armtwisted, blackmailed, illtreated and rich, who's who, VIP's are treated like maharajas ( see this hospital itself where there is luxurieos VIP lounge,  but has  badly kept dining room for relatives of patients behind in the dump area ) . The counter in charge then said u may pl. talk to Dr Yadav tomorrow and she may consider to down grade our room. With some reluctance I paid the deposit. From then own I kept following up with Mrs yadav and all others I cud approach and find contacts. I also carried my IT papers to support my case.


      After 3 days keeping my request on hold they flately refused to do anything.

      Ofcourse they have there policy and I have mine of activism and not to easily give in to arm twisting. I warned them politely. They stuck to their guns..of course it was worst then AK 47.


      I had no choice but to take out my weapon given by beloved Bapu Gandhiji.


      I made 3 posters :

      1. so and so hospital have some heart.

      2. Dr so and so fear God

      3. stop armtwisting of emergency patients


      One I pasted thru cello tape on my shirt , second I hired a poor boy and asked him to stand on gate and third I put up on my car parked on gate. I purposely selected time of 8 pm as 95 % of visitors are gone by that time as I wanted to avoid big scene ( did not want to use Ironman's hammer where gold smith hammer can work). I quietly started roaming in their palatial lobby. Slowly some relatives ( out of remaining 15 -20 ) before 7 pm there r more then 200 ) started murmuring, one or two gathered courage and came to me , appreciated, started telling their problems too, etc.. Hosp staff kept on looking from distance. They were in for a surprise and did not know what to do. Finally a team of 3 sr. managers who were leaving for home spotted me and came to me. The lady heading them was having extraordinary  PR skills ( as if I am talked rough,loud,wrong language etc then I too loose my temper and then in short madness big scene is created) and sat clsoe to me, discussed the issue which I said :


      1. I should have been told on phone that these are our terms and condition and charges when I had called up. After calling me with emergency patient, taking him in charge they can not
      give me any rude shock?


      2. They should have refused my request on first day as then I cud think of shifting patient to other hosp.


      3. As a consumer I have a right to select the product and services of my choice and budget and know damages in advance. They have other rooms available then how can they insist that I must opt for the one which they would like ?


      4. I also asked on what criteria / reasoning my request to down grade was refused and without even having look at my IT papers. Just whims or because I was not having some sr. bureaucrat, union to side me??


      5. I highlighted that my patient was 88 yrs old Sr. citizen and that definitely deserved a soft approach.


      She rushed in  ( I can only believe she must have had to negotiat very hard for my case)  and came back with an announcement that my request is granted. My bed charges came down by 50%. and doctors charges from whopping Rs 1700 to Rs 600/- per visit etc..



      By the way there is a path lab in Santacruz east which has lowest charges and has written on board that we are lowest because we don't give any commission to doctors. And pl. note that there are no doctors who recommend that lab and only send to ( I will again avoid taking names)


      Most family doctors for even small ailments refer in writing to specialists. The best option is to say if your roll is over then we will select the specialist / hospital and don't go with their letter. Even if specialist / hospital does not want you to over bill / do unnecessary surgery/ tests but they have to as the doc recommending wants big cut and if he does not get then next time he will not send Murga / bakra/  innocent client.


      Caution: Many tests some times are necessary too to rule out and narrow down on problem so all negative tests do not mean that they were unnecessary.

      Caution2 : I knew I am between good people ( may be little less ethical) and not in the hands of criminals but if I was in UP/ Bihar/ bureaucrat run place then I would have not done even this mild peaceful activism as there cud have been threat to patients life.

      Caution 3: Let us prepare and arm ourselves with knowledge, procedures, policies, etc of medical profession so we are not taken by surprise. Someone can start a yahoo group / a discussion forum for common man who may need / are in need to share hospital experiences/ woes/expenses.Atleast that is our birth right as a free???? citizens of free??? nation.


      Thanks and Regards,
      Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.), M:9324225699 :
      Tholiya Bhavan,
      10th Road , Santacruz east, Mumbai 400055


      For Issues of Sr. citizens :
      Issues of Public interests :
      For education funds : •
      Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:


      Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:05:56 +0530
      Subject: [juhuektaalm] Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!


      Dear All,


      Corruption has many names, and one of these names is "commission". The government is no doubt corrupt… but civil society isn't innocent either. Professionals and businessmen of various sorts indulge in unscrupulous practices. I recently had a chat with some doctors, surgeons and owners of nursing homes about the tricks of their trade. Here is what they told me:


      1)      40-60% kickbacks for lab tests. When a doctor (whether family doctor / general physician, consultant or surgeon) prescribes tests – pathology, radiology, X-rays, MRIs etc. – the laboratory conducting those tests gives commissions. In South and Central Mumbai -- 40%. In the suburbs north of Bandra -- a whopping 60 per cent! He probably earns a lot more in this way than the consulting fees that you paid him!


      2)      30-40% for referring to consultants, specialists & surgeons. When your friendly GP refers you to a specialist or surgeon, he gets 30-40% from them.


      3)      30-40% of total hospital charges. If the GP or consultant recommends hospitalization, he will receive kickback from the private nursing home as a percentage of all charges including ICU, bed, nursing care, surgery etc.


      4)      Sink tests. Some tests prescribed by doctors are not needed. They are there to inflate bills and commissions. The pathology lab understands what is unnecessary. These are called "sink tests"; blood, urine, stool samples collected will be thrown into the sink.


      5)      Admitting the patient to "keep him under observation". People go to cardiologists feeling unwell and anxious. Most of them aren't really having a heart attack, and cardiologists and family doctors are well aware of this. They admit such safe patients, put them on a saline drip with mild sedation, and send them home after 3-4 days after charging them a fat amount for ICU, bed charges, visiting doctors etc.


      6)      ICU minus intensive care. Nursing homes all over the suburbs are run by doctor couples or as one-man-shows. In such places, nurses and ward boys are 10th class drop-outs in ill-fitting uniforms and bare feet. These "nurses" sit at the reception counter, give injections and saline drips, perform ECGs, apply dressings and change bandages, and assist in the operation theatre. At night, they even sit outside the Intensive Care Units; there is no resident doctor. In case of a crisis, the doctor -- who usually lives in the same building -- will turn up after 20 minutes, after this nurse calls him. Such ICUs admit safe patients to fill up beds. Genuine patients who require emergency care are sent elsewhere to hospitals having a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) round-the-clock.


      7)      Unnecessary caesarian surgeries and hysterectomies. Many surgical procedures are done to keep the cash register ringing. Caesarian deliveries and hysterectomy (removal of uterus) are high on the list. While the woman with labour-pains is screaming and panicking, the obstetrician who gently suggests that caesarian is best seems like an angel sent by God! Menopausal women experience bodily changes that make them nervous and gullible. They can be frightened by words like"cysts" and "fibroids" that are in almost every normal woman's radiology reports. When a gynaecologist gently suggests womb removal "as a precaution", most women and their husbands agree without a second's delay.


      8)      Cosmetic surgery advertized through newspapers. Liposuction and plastic surgery are not minor procedures. Some are life-threateningly major. But advertisements make them appear as easy as facials and waxing. The Indian medical council has strict rules against such misrepresentation. But nobody is interested in taking action.


      9)       Indirect kickbacks from doctors to prestigious hospitals. To be on the panel of a prestigious hospital, there is give-and-take involved. The hospital expects the doctor to refer many patients for hospital admission. If he fails to send a certain number of patients, he is quietly dumped. And so he likes to admit patients even when there is no need.


      10)  "Emergency surgery" on dead body. If a surgeon hurriedly wheels your patient from the Intensive Care Unit to the operation theatre, refuses to let you go inside and see him, and wants your signature on the consent form for "an emergency operation to save his life", it is likely that your patient is already dead. The "emergency operation" is for inflating the bill; if you agree for it, the surgeon will come out 15 minutes later and report that your patient died on the operation table. And then, when you take delivery of the dead body, you will pay OT charges, anaesthesiologist's charges, blah-blah-blah.  


      Doctors are human too. You can't trust them blindly. Please understand the difference between:


      ·         Young surgeons and old ones. The young ones who are setting up nursing home etc. have heavy loans to settle. To pay back the loan, they have to perform as many operations as possible. Also, to build a reputation, they have to perform a large number of operations and develop their skills. So, at first, every case seems fit for cutting. But with age, experience and prosperity, many surgeons lose their taste for cutting, and stop recommending surgery.


      ·         Physicians and surgeons. To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Surgeons like to solve medical problems by cutting, just as physicians first seek solutions with drugs. So, if you take your medical problem to a surgeon first, the chances are that you will unnecessarily end up on the operation table. Instead, please go to an ordinary GP first.


      Warm Regards,


      98215 88114

      Recent Activity:


        Posted By Alok Tholiya to Jain Utsav at 2/16/2011 07:59:00 PM

        Fw: Dr and hospitals

        ----- Forwarded Message ----
        From: Nivrutti Bhor <>
        Sent: Sat, 19 February, 2011 12:42:15 PM

        Dear Alok,

        I salute your courage to fight evils in medical profession. I have forwarded your note to many of my friends.


        Thursday, February 17, 2011

        FW: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok


        Subject: RE: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok
        Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 09:56:11 +0530

        Dear Alok,
        Thank you.
        You have responded rightly. Congratulations and Best wishes.
        A common man is harassed, fleeced  and exploited in every field. Health, Education and Judiciary are the three most important areas.
        Some strong movement is required to bring about a change. We need  Gandhiji again for the second Independence strugggle.

        Dr.Vithal Prabhu


        Subject: FW: Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!.......must read before u fall sick ..Alok
        Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:19:42 +0530

        Dear Krish,


        very true. No profession be it medical, education or religion ( Guru, saint,pujari,father,maulana) etc are any more noble.


         Recently at 2 am my father became breathless. He was already not well for a month. I rushed him in ambulance to Hinduja. There they very promptly stabilized him in casualty but then they said they have no place in ICU and that we shud shift him.

        We checked at seven hills who described the charges on phone itseld and told us to come over.Seven hills is little far and is in area which remains heavily traffic jammed. Then we called another hospital ( I want to avoid taking name) as same is headed by a good doctor and has good facilities ( but ethics???) and is only 7 minutes away from my house thus is nearest pvt hospital for me. They said they have a place in ICU. We rushed him there. They took him in to casualty and from there to ICU. Then I was asked to go and finish formalities of registration. There they surprised me by saying that I can not decide/ opt for a class I want for my patient. They said hospital policy is that emergency patients are given only Deluxe class ( room rate Rs 9500/- per day , doctor visit Rs 1700/- per visit and other charges high accordingly).


        When I showed my reluctance , insited that there is no such rule which can allow this to happen in our country ( but in my heart I knew it is only in our country that common man are fleeced , duped,harrassed, armtwisted, blackmailed, illtreated and rich, who's who, VIP's are treated like maharajas ( see this hospital itself where there is luxurieos VIP lounge,  but has  badly kept dining room for relatives of patients behind in the dump area ) . The counter in charge then said u may pl. talk to Dr Yadav tomorrow and she may consider to down grade our room. With some reluctance I paid the deposit. From then own I kept following up with Mrs yadav and all others I cud approach and find contacts. I also carried my IT papers to support my case.


        After 3 days keeping my request on hold they flately refused to do anything.

        Ofcourse they have there policy and I have mine of activism and not to easily give in to arm twisting. I warned them politely. They stuck to their guns..of course it was worst then AK 47.


        I had no choice but to take out my weapon given by beloved Bapu Gandhiji.


        I made 3 posters :

        1. so and so hospital have some heart.

        2. Dr so and so fear God

        3. stop armtwisting of emergency patients


        One I pasted thru cello tape on my shirt , second I hired a poor boy and asked him to stand on gate and third I put up on my car parked on gate. I purposely selected time of 8 pm as 95 % of visitors are gone by that time as I wanted to avoid big scene ( did not want to use Ironman's hammer where gold smith hammer can work). I quietly started roaming in their palatial lobby. Slowly some relatives ( out of remaining 15 -20 ) before 7 pm there r more then 200 ) started murmuring, one or two gathered courage and came to me , appreciated, started telling their problems too, etc.. Hosp staff kept on looking from distance. They were in for a surprise and did not know what to do. Finally a team of 3 sr. managers who were leaving for home spotted me and came to me. The lady heading them was having extraordinary  PR skills ( as if I am talked rough,loud,wrong language etc then I too loose my temper and then in short madness big scene is created) and sat clsoe to me, discussed the issue which I said :


        1. I should have been told on phone that these are our terms and condition and charges when I had called up. After calling me with emergency patient, taking him in charge they can not
        give me any rude shock?


        2. They should have refused my request on first day as then I cud think of shifting patient to other hosp.


        3. As a consumer I have a right to select the product and services of my choice and budget and know damages in advance. They have other rooms available then how can they insist that I must opt for the one which they would like ?


        4. I also asked on what criteria / reasoning my request to down grade was refused and without even having look at my IT papers. Just whims or because I was not having some sr. bureaucrat, union to side me??


        5. I highlighted that my patient was 88 yrs old Sr. citizen and that definitely deserved a soft approach.


        She rushed in  ( I can only believe she must have had to negotiat very hard for my case)  and came back with an announcement that my request is granted. My bed charges came down by 50%. and doctors charges from whopping Rs 1700 to Rs 600/- per visit etc..



        By the way there is a path lab in Santacruz east which has lowest charges and has written on board that we are lowest because we don't give any commission to doctors. And pl. note that there are no doctors who recommend that lab and only send to ( I will again avoid taking names)


        Most family doctors for even small ailments refer in writing to specialists. The best option is to say if your roll is over then we will select the specialist / hospital and don't go with their letter. Even if specialist / hospital does not want you to over bill / do unnecessary surgery/ tests but they have to as the doc recommending wants big cut and if he does not get then next time he will not send Murga / bakra/  innocent client.


        Caution: Many tests some times are necessary too to rule out and narrow down on problem so all negative tests do not mean that they were unnecessary.

        Caution2 : I knew I am between good people ( may be little less ethical) and not in the hands of criminals but if I was in UP/ Bihar/ bureaucrat run place then I would have not done even this mild peaceful activism as there cud have been threat to patients life.

        Caution 3: Let us prepare and arm ourselves with knowledge, procedures, policies, etc of medical profession so we are not taken by surprise. Someone can start a yahoo group / a discussion forum for common man who may need / are in need to share hospital experiences/ woes/expenses.Atleast that is our birth right as a free???? citizens of free??? nation.


        Thanks and Regards,
        Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.), M:9324225699 :
        Tholiya Bhavan,
        10th Road , Santacruz east, Mumbai 400055


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        Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:05:56 +0530
        Subject: [juhuektaalm] Your doctor gets 40- 60% kickbacks from pathology labs & other referrals!!


        Dear All,


        Corruption has many names, and one of these names is "commission". The government is no doubt corrupt… but civil society isn't innocent either. Professionals and businessmen of various sorts indulge in unscrupulous practices. I recently had a chat with some doctors, surgeons and owners of nursing homes about the tricks of their trade. Here is what they told me:


        1)      40-60% kickbacks for lab tests. When a doctor (whether family doctor / general physician, consultant or surgeon) prescribes tests – pathology, radiology, X-rays, MRIs etc. – the laboratory conducting those tests gives commissions. In South and Central Mumbai -- 40%. In the suburbs north of Bandra -- a whopping 60 per cent! He probably earns a lot more in this way than the consulting fees that you paid him!


        2)      30-40% for referring to consultants, specialists & surgeons. When your friendly GP refers you to a specialist or surgeon, he gets 30-40% from them.


        3)      30-40% of total hospital charges. If the GP or consultant recommends hospitalization, he will receive kickback from the private nursing home as a percentage of all charges including ICU, bed, nursing care, surgery etc.


        4)      Sink tests. Some tests prescribed by doctors are not needed. They are there to inflate bills and commissions. The pathology lab understands what is unnecessary. These are called "sink tests"; blood, urine, stool samples collected will be thrown into the sink.


        5)      Admitting the patient to "keep him under observation". People go to cardiologists feeling unwell and anxious. Most of them aren't really having a heart attack, and cardiologists and family doctors are well aware of this. They admit such safe patients, put them on a saline drip with mild sedation, and send them home after 3-4 days after charging them a fat amount for ICU, bed charges, visiting doctors etc.


        6)      ICU minus intensive care. Nursing homes all over the suburbs are run by doctor couples or as one-man-shows. In such places, nurses and ward boys are 10th class drop-outs in ill-fitting uniforms and bare feet. These "nurses" sit at the reception counter, give injections and saline drips, perform ECGs, apply dressings and change bandages, and assist in the operation theatre. At night, they even sit outside the Intensive Care Units; there is no resident doctor. In case of a crisis, the doctor -- who usually lives in the same building -- will turn up after 20 minutes, after this nurse calls him. Such ICUs admit safe patients to fill up beds. Genuine patients who require emergency care are sent elsewhere to hospitals having a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) round-the-clock.


        7)      Unnecessary caesarian surgeries and hysterectomies. Many surgical procedures are done to keep the cash register ringing. Caesarian deliveries and hysterectomy (removal of uterus) are high on the list. While the woman with labour-pains is screaming and panicking, the obstetrician who gently suggests that caesarian is best seems like an angel sent by God! Menopausal women experience bodily changes that make them nervous and gullible. They can be frightened by words like"cysts" and "fibroids" that are in almost every normal woman's radiology reports. When a gynaecologist gently suggests womb removal "as a precaution", most women and their husbands agree without a second's delay.


        8)      Cosmetic surgery advertized through newspapers. Liposuction and plastic surgery are not minor procedures. Some are life-threateningly major. But advertisements make them appear as easy as facials and waxing. The Indian medical council has strict rules against such misrepresentation. But nobody is interested in taking action.


        9)       Indirect kickbacks from doctors to prestigious hospitals. To be on the panel of a prestigious hospital, there is give-and-take involved. The hospital expects the doctor to refer many patients for hospital admission. If he fails to send a certain number of patients, he is quietly dumped. And so he likes to admit patients even when there is no need.


        10)  "Emergency surgery" on dead body. If a surgeon hurriedly wheels your patient from the Intensive Care Unit to the operation theatre, refuses to let you go inside and see him, and wants your signature on the consent form for "an emergency operation to save his life", it is likely that your patient is already dead. The "emergency operation" is for inflating the bill; if you agree for it, the surgeon will come out 15 minutes later and report that your patient died on the operation table. And then, when you take delivery of the dead body, you will pay OT charges, anaesthesiologist's charges, blah-blah-blah.  


        Doctors are human too. You can't trust them blindly. Please understand the difference between:


        ·         Young surgeons and old ones. The young ones who are setting up nursing home etc. have heavy loans to settle. To pay back the loan, they have to perform as many operations as possible. Also, to build a reputation, they have to perform a large number of operations and develop their skills. So, at first, every case seems fit for cutting. But with age, experience and prosperity, many surgeons lose their taste for cutting, and stop recommending surgery.


        ·         Physicians and surgeons. To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Surgeons like to solve medical problems by cutting, just as physicians first seek solutions with drugs. So, if you take your medical problem to a surgeon first, the chances are that you will unnecessarily end up on the operation table. Instead, please go to an ordinary GP first.


        Warm Regards,


        98215 88114

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